convex n-gon - vertaling naar Engels
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convex n-gon - vertaling naar Engels

Generalized n-gons; Generalized hexagon; Generalized octagon; Generalized n-gon
  • The split Cayley hexagon of order 2

convex n-gon      


выпуклый n-угольник

convex closure         
  • A [[bagplot]]. The outer shaded region is the convex hull, and the inner shaded region is the 50% Tukey depth contour.
  • Convex hull of a bounded planar set: rubber band analogy
  • Convex hull of points in the plane
  • Convex hull ( in blue and yellow) of a simple polygon (in blue)
  • 2019}} Mg<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub> is expected to be unstable as it lies above the lower hull.
  • An [[oloid]], the convex hull of two circles in 3d space
  • Partition of seven points into three subsets with intersecting convex hulls, guaranteed to exist for any seven points in the plane by [[Tverberg's theorem]]
  • The [[witch of Agnesi]]. The points on or above the red curve provide an example of a closed set whose convex hull is open (the open [[upper half-plane]]).
Convex envelope; Closed convex hull; Convex Hull; Convex span; Convex closure; Minimum convex polygon; Applications of convex hulls


выпуклое замыкание

convex hull         
  • A [[bagplot]]. The outer shaded region is the convex hull, and the inner shaded region is the 50% Tukey depth contour.
  • Convex hull of a bounded planar set: rubber band analogy
  • Convex hull of points in the plane
  • Convex hull ( in blue and yellow) of a simple polygon (in blue)
  • 2019}} Mg<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub> is expected to be unstable as it lies above the lower hull.
  • An [[oloid]], the convex hull of two circles in 3d space
  • Partition of seven points into three subsets with intersecting convex hulls, guaranteed to exist for any seven points in the plane by [[Tverberg's theorem]]
  • The [[witch of Agnesi]]. The points on or above the red curve provide an example of a closed set whose convex hull is open (the open [[upper half-plane]]).
Convex envelope; Closed convex hull; Convex Hull; Convex span; Convex closure; Minimum convex polygon; Applications of convex hulls

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выпуклая оболочка


(CH3)2NCHO, бесцветная жидкость, tкип 153 °С. Растворитель в производстве синтетических волокон, красителей, при выделении ацетилена из газовых смесей.


Generalized polygon

In mathematics, a generalized polygon is an incidence structure introduced by Jacques Tits in 1959. Generalized n-gons encompass as special cases projective planes (generalized triangles, n = 3) and generalized quadrangles (n = 4). Many generalized polygons arise from groups of Lie type, but there are also exotic ones that cannot be obtained in this way. Generalized polygons satisfying a technical condition known as the Moufang property have been completely classified by Tits and Weiss. Every generalized n-gon with n even is also a near polygon.